I was pleased that my peers found my lesson engaging and fun. Many felt that the analogies I used were helpful when learning the techniques of the throws I taught them and appreciated learning how to perform the throw as well as when it would be used in a game setting. Some of my peers already knew how to throw a frisbee but mentioned they enjoyed the pointers I gave them for improving their skills as well the use of Elaine, who did a similar lesson and was already skilled, in some of my demonstrations. One of my peers suggested that next time I mix up the partners, putting a person with strong skills with a person with weak skills. I had not considered this option and would definitely use it next time!
I have previously taught this lesson in another class but creating a proper lesson plan made the lesson go so much better. I found I was able to get my points across with some of my analogies and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly my peers who did not have prior knowledge of all the throws were able to pick up the techniques. I liked that I planned well enough so I had time to go around and visit all my groups to see how their practicing was going. I think my pace for the time we had was good and by making a conscious effort to be loud enough for a larger group I think everyone was able to hear what I was saying. Next time I would make better use of the people who already had prior knowledge of the throws I was teaching. Having them help others, or possibly do a demonstration themselves would be a great way to have them more involved and not get bored.
I had a great time with my peers and enjoyed teaching my lesson and participating in my peers lessons as well.
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