memorable moment #1:
The first Math 9 class I taught I found out there were some letter designations and consequently some behaviour issues. One student said to me when I asked him to get back on task was "Only teachers who are strict and can watch me closely can get me to work." On the last day I taught this class my sponsor teacher left and came back and stood in the doorway. My class was silent ad working individually o their practice problems, which he said was very surprising! I guess I proved to this student I was there to teach and manage this class effectively.
memorable moment #2
My second memorable moment was when I was sitting in on a Review Jeopardy class. I was the "phone a friend" option and a bit rusty on the material. Almost every time when I was asked, I gave the correct answer and the student would turn around and give an answer different from what I told them and lost their points! It become a comedy of errors and everyone was getting a kick out of it. This was definitely a funny moment, and a great ice breaker for the students and me.